Tuesday, May 12, 2009

bottle-1, lana-0

we've overcome the bottle issue! poor drew is the one who had to suffer the most. it still takes a really long time for her to drink the whole thing--ab0ut an hour and she cries a little bit. but it's so much better. YEAH! we just had a weekend where drew would feed her from the bottle for every feeding. the first night she was screaming and i had to completely stay out of the room or it'd get worse. but by saturday  night, we were all good.

my first mother's day was super. i got up early but just couldn't get moving. drew and i were both exhausted from the tiring weekend of lana crying so much at every feeding. he let me go back to bed while he took care of lana. so i got up for the 630 feeding, put her back down at 730, and then didn't get up again until 1230. really? i didn't budge for 5 HOURS! it was incredible. and then sunday night we celebrated by eating at Pazzo! my absolute FAVORITE pizza place. you should all go.

saturday my mom and sister & nephews came over. we celebrated mothers day (in between lana screaming while she ate) by cooking out. drew made burgers & hot dogs...poor guy was the only male in the house...don't think the nephews gave him that male companionship he was needing! my brother in law was at a band competition and my brother had to work. but we had a great time celebrating my mom and my sister. (and i guess me too! haha)

well, that's all the updates i have for now...more to come later. GO RANGERS!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you tried Lana on different kinds of bottles? I'm sure you tried everything, but the reason I ask is that we got Maddy some new, different kind of bottle and they have made a huge difference in how easy it is to do a feeding. We had some medela bottles and she was constantly dribbling it out the side of her mouth and taking over 30 minutes to eat. We got her some gerber bottles yesterday (nuk is what the are called) and she loves them. It takes her 15 min tops to finish her meal. So just thought I'd mention it in case it would be any help. Poor Drew and Lana! but I'm glad things are going better and that you had a great mother's day!