what's going on? well, where do i start? :)
after watching gas prices soar, drew and i decided it was time to get rid of our premium gas guzzling machine....we traded it in for a WONDERFUL 40mpg elantra....
i was so sad to see this car go...i cried. seriously. but 24mpg with premium was not good on the budget. nor was the $250 headlight replacement, the $1200 expense of tires because they can not be rotated at ALL....i could go on. it was so much fun to have for the short time we owned it! i suggest you ask TONS of questions before buying a lexus...or any 'luxury' car for that matter. it was painful.
so now we have this! sporty, sleek, and super mileage. i'm already having fun driving it. missing a lot of the bells and whistles from the IS, but this car is really neat too!
so what else? well, thanks to drew's sister, we've all been to the dermatologist within the past week. drew checked out well...they're just going to watch him with yearly checkups. my appointment was not so good. i went this morning and they biopsied 5 spots...they had to stop at 5 because my insurance only pays for 5 per visit. so guess what that means? i go back tomorrow. because i'm pretty sure they have 5 more they want to biopsy. i have not gotten as great of news as drew did...they want to see me back multiple times of year. dang fair skin! but i'd rather do this than die an early death from skin cancer...i find out in 2 weeks what the results are from the spots they removed. i'm asking for lots of prayers. because, honestly, i'm a little scared about this.
what else? i've been interviewing for a new spot at jcp. i have pretty much hit the point (actually, i'm sure i hit this point about 6 months ago, but couldn't do anything about it then) where i have to move jobs or i might just quit. this position is highly analytical which i hate....so i've interviewed for a spot on the internet side. i'd be in charge of running a portion of jcp.com--making sure the pictures are uploaded on site, that we have enough inventory to support the product placement, that the site is inviting...etc. i think it'll be a lot of fun! i get to merchandise my little 'store' and do some more creative stuff. i should find out at the beginning of next week if i got the job. there were 6 of us interviewing so it may be a long shot. we'll see!
drew also has quite a bit going on. without getting into details, just pray for the job situation. the school districts are making huge cuts, they actually have a coaching spot open at his school, but they're not sure who (if anyone) will fill it thanks to hiring freezes...plus a lot more that isn't public knowledge so i'm not going to go into everything until he gives me permission to do so :)
we've also been reading an amazing book by Francis Chan called Crazy Love in our small group at church. i HIGHLY recommend this book. do yourself a favor...go check it out or buy it. it'll turn your world up side down!
i'm on sinus infection #2 in the past month. this has been a HORRIBLE allergy season in texas. we have some crazy winds that are stirring things up and literally kicking my rear. i'm actually working from home today thanks to my throbbing/pulsating sinuses. yippee.
anyway, just updated lana's picture site... head over and check out what's been going on with her the past month by clicking here!
have a great wednesday!